Nevada en Chile deja miles de hogares sin luz

Nevada en Chile deja miles de hogares sin luz

People pose for a selfie during a snowfall in Santiago on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
People pose for a selfie during a snowfall in Santiago on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI

La capital chilena se despertó este sábado con varios de sus barrios cubiertos de nieve, un fenómeno inusual que provocó un corte del servicio eléctrico que afectó a 250.000 hogares en medio de una intensa ola de frío.

Los barrios altos de la ciudad se plegaron al paisaje de la imponente Cordillera de los Andes con árboles y senderos cubiertos de nieve.

Más abajo, en Providencia -un barrio aledaño al centro de Santiago- también se sintieron los “chubascos de nieve”, que habían sido previstos por los pronósticos meteorológicos.

La Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi) informó que son “251.659 (los) clientes (que) se encuentran afectados por un corte de suministro eléctrico” a lo largo de Santiago.

Mientras que la compañía de electricidad Enel informó en un comunicado que la extraordinaria nevada -la primera de esta intensidad en más de una década en la ciudad- dejó a “202.000 clientes sin suministro eléctrico, de un total de 1.800.000 usuarios de las 33 comunas que atiende en la Región Metropolitana”.

La caída de árboles y ramas producto de la nevada sobre los tendidos eléctricos son la principal causa de la emergencia, que deja sin posibilidad de calefacción a miles de personas en medio de una ola de frío que anotó temperaturas bajo cero en los termómetros.

En ese marco, la Onemi mantiene vigente una Alerta Temprana Preventiva Regional por la peculiar condición climática, con continua publicación de advertencias a la población para extremar los cuidados en el tránsito.

-Sin fútbol-

La nieve congeló en Santiago la disputa de la Copa Chile, segundo torneo en importancia en el país, que comenzó días atrás previo al arranque del campeonato chileno de primera división.

“A causa de la nevazón, los duelos a disputarse en San Carlos de Apoquindo y El Teniente han sido suspendidos”, informó la Asociación del Fútbol (ANFP) en sus cuentas en redes sociales.

En San Carlos de Apoquindo, estadio ubicado a los pies de la Cordillera, se enfrentaban Universidad Católica y Rangers de Talca, de la segunda división, por la primera fase de Copa Chile.

Mientras que en El Teniente se enfrentaban O’Higgins y Santiago Morning. Además se suspendieron los duelos Colo Colo-Deportes La Serena en el estadio Monumental de Santiago y el choque Magallanes-Curicó Unido.

Varios caminos y algunas rutas sufren cortes parciales por la nevada que se sintió con fuerza en la zona alta de la ciudad, donde las imágenes televisivas mostraban senderos con acumulados de nieve de unos 10 centímetros.

Mientras que uno de los símbolos de la ciudad, la plaza Italia, tuvo durante gran parte de la mañana sus zonas verdes cubiertas de nieve: un espectáculo que se diluyó con el pasaje de las horas que transformó el día gris en una jornada soleada.

La Dirección Meteorológica de Chile informó que podría volver a caer nieve y agua-nieve, pero sin la intensidad que tuvo el fenómeno durante la madrugada pasada.


Fotos AFP

People play with snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
People play with snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
View of Santiago covered with snow on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI
View of Santiago covered with snow on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI
Cars drive along a street covered with snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
Cars drive along a street covered with snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
A touches snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI
A touches snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI
People make a snowman in Santiago on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
People make a snowman in Santiago on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / Martin BERNETTI
View of bicycles covered with snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.  An unusual snowfall --the first of such intensity since 2007-- surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI
View of bicycles covered with snow in Santiago on July 15, 2017.
An unusual snowfall –the first of such intensity since 2007– surprised the inhabitants of the Chilean capital, causing a few power cuts and minor traffic jams, in particular in the eastern areas of the capital, the closest to the Andes mountain range. / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI