La Policía capitalina ha empezado a detener a las participantes de una concentración contra el presidente de Bielorrusia, Alexánder Lukashenko, en el centro de Minsk.
Por: RT
La marcha, mayormente femenina, empezó a concentrarse en la plaza de Independencia y a lo largo del día ha reunido varias miles de participantes.
State security agents appear within minutes, try to detain people.
Protesters lock arms and chant “shame”, try to unmask the grunts
— Murad Gazdiev (@MuradGazdiev) September 12, 2020
Los agentes antidisturbios, después de exigir que la multitud se dispersara, han procedido a detener a las manifestantes.
De momento, se reporta que se han efectuado varias detenciones.
More and more security service agents in unmarked uniforms. They appear to be trying to end this protest march before it begins.
Ask journalists to stay 50 meters away if we don’t want trouble
— Murad Gazdiev (@MuradGazdiev) September 12, 2020
Clever girls… protesters organized multiple starting points for different groups to avoid being detained all at once.
Now marching on an unpredictable route, picking different twists and turns as they go to make it difficult for police to corner them
— Murad Gazdiev (@MuradGazdiev) September 12, 2020