On the eve of the International Day Against Corruption and the Summit for Democracy, the United States Department of State announced the winners of the “International Anti-Corruption Champions Award,” which recognizes individuals ndividuals who have demonstrated leadership, courage, and have been successful in preventing, exposing, and combating corruption.
By Centro de Comunicación Nacional
Dec 8, 2021
This year the Presidential Commissioner Against Terrorism and Organized Crime, Carlos Paparoni, has been recognized for his work in financial intelligence and analysis of corruption that were essential to restrict the illicit financial flows of the Venezuelan regime. His analysis uncovered evidence that 98% of the budget allocated by the regime for food subsidies appears to have been stolen, directly contributing to food insecurity and malnutrition in Venezuela.
“Often when we talk about massive and complex challenges like corruption, we lose sight of the fact that our ability to make significant progress and improve people’s lives comes down to the work of individuals. People who, out of sheer tenacity , creativity and courage, show us that even the most overwhelming problems are surmountable,” said Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
Mr. Paparoni has worked tirelessly to expose the corruption of the regime, in particular, in the case of CLAP (The regime’s food aid and political extortion program), with the use of hunger as a weapon and a method of social control, and against the corrupt scheme of Nicolás Maduro’s alleged front man, today detained in American territory, the Colombian citizen Álex Saab.
The Department of State counteracts corruption through diplomatic cooperation between countries, supporting international standards and their implementation, building and strengthening government institutions to hold corrupt officials accountable, and supporting and defending journalists and non-governmental actors who promote transparency and accountability of corrupt people and organizations.
Also honored were: Dorothy Bradley from Belize, Nikolay Staykov from Bulgaria, Alexandra Attalides from Cyprus, Carlos Giovanni Ruano Pineda from Guatemala, Gabriela Alejandra Castellanos from Honduras, Jamiliya Maricheva from Kazakhstan, Juris Juriss from Latvia, Riad Kobeissi from Lebanon, Martha Chizuma from Malawi, Denise Namburete from Mozambique, and Dr. Torplus Yomnak from Thailand.
Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – President Biden’s Government awarded the 2021 International Anti-Corruption Champions Award to the Commissioner of the Legitimate Government of Venezuela, Carlos Paparoni